Is C programming language is relevant in 21st Century

Many programming languages have come and gone since Dennis Ritchie devised C in 1972, and yet C has not only survived three major revisions but continues to thrive. Large chunks of Windows were written in C, along with most of Linux.
But aside from this incredible legacy, what keeps C atop the Tiobe Index? The number of jobs on for C programmers is not huge, and many of those also include C++ and Objective-C. On Reddit, the C community, while one of the ten most popular programming communities, is half the size of the C++ group.
Despite being overshadowed by other languages, I believe C remains relevant for the following reasons:

It’s Easy to Learn
The only advanced features in C are pointers and function pointers. Once you’ve mastered those, you’ve pretty much learned the language. Knowing C provides a handy insight into higher-level languages—C++, Objective-C, Perl, Python, Java, PHP, C#, D and Go all have block syntax that’s derived from C. And reference variables in C# will be easier to understand because you know C pointers.

It’s Still Used
There is an immense amount of software written in C that’s still used, including Apache and NGINX Web servers, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Ingres database, GIMP, CPython, Perl 5, PHP, Mathematica, MATLAB and most device drivers.
From the end of the 1980s until the early 2000s, developers relied on C to develop games, with C++ taking over after that. There’s so much C source code still around that learning to program games in C using the SDL library is not hard.

The Internet
The Internet is basically driven by C applications. Most browsers are written in C++, but C code is used for the infrastructure, mail sending utilities, DNS utilities, etc.
Some modern compilers generate C as an output stage. This saves the compiler-writer having to create a code generation stage for each platform.

Is C Still Relevant?
Yes. It’s easy to learn, there’s a lot of it still in use, and plenty of free or open-source compilers. While it may not get you a job, it will give you an excellent grounding in low-level programming. It’s not growing in popularity… but it’s not going away anytime soon either.


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